Anderson, AWS 2000 course description: html.
Anderson, Notes on fermionic Fock space for number theorists (snapshot at the time of the Winter School): dvi, ps, pdf
Anderson, AWS 2000 project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Anderson, fragment of Maple code for calculating the tau functions appearing in his AWS 2000 lectures: text
Anderson, web site
- Anderson, Interpolation of numbers of Catalan type in a local field of positive characteristic: pdf
- Anderson, A two-variable refinement of the Stark conjecture in the function field case: pdf
Barbu, slides for AWS 1999 talk: dvi, ps, pdf
- Batyrev, AWS 2004 course description: pdf
- Batyrev, AWS 2004 course notes: pdf
- Bernstein, AWS 2006 course description: pdf
- Bernstein, AWS 2006 course notes: pdf
- Bernstein, AWS 2006 project report: pdf
- Bernstein, AWS 2006 slides from lectures:
Borisov, AWS 1998 abstract of contributed talk: html
Buium, AWS 1998 course abstract: html
Buium, AWS 1998 reading list: html
Buium, AWS 1998 lecture notes: dvi, ps, pdf
Buzzard, AWS 2001 Lecture 1: dvi, ps, pdf
Buzzard, AWS 2001 Lecture 2: dvi, ps, pdf
Buzzard, AWS 2001 Lecture 3: dvi, ps, pdf
Buzzard, AWS 2001 Lecture 4: dvi, ps, pdf
Buzzard, AWS 2001 project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Buzzard, AWS 2001 students' write-up of their lecture: dvi, ps, pdf
- Candelas, AWS 2004 course description: pdf
Carlson, notes by Sharifi, An introduction to Hodge theory and its applications: dvi, ps, pdf
Clozel, AWS 2001 project description: html
- Cohen, AWS 2006 course description: pdf
- Cohen, AWS 2006 course notes: pdf
- Cohen, AWS 2006, extract from a forthcoming book relevant to the course: pdf
- Cohen, AWS 2006, references for the book: pdf
- Cohen, AWS 2006 lecture slides: pdf
Colliot-Thélène, AWS 1999 project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Colliot-Thélène, Algebraic families of nonzero elements of Shafarevich-Tate groups (with Poonen): pdf
- Colliot-Thélène, AWS 1999 references: dvi, ps, pdf
Cremona, AWS 1999 project description: html
Cremona, AWS 1999 reading list:html
Cremona, web site
Cremona, (with Mazur), Visualizing elements in the Shafarevich-Tate group, (to appear in the Journal of Experimental Math): dvi, ps, pdf)
Darmon, AWS 1998 course abstract: html
Darmon, AWS 1998 reading list: html
Darmon, AWS 1998, Rigid local systems, Hilbert modular forms, and Fermats last theorem: dvi, ps, pdf
Darmon, web site
deJong, AWS 2002 course and project description: html
- deJong, AWS 2002 course notes:
- Lecture 1 in pdf
- Lecture 2 in pdf
- Lecture 3 in pdf
- Lecture 4 in pdf
- deJong students, write up of deJong's project: dvi, ps, pdf. The participants on the
project were Jim Brown, Kirsten Eisentrager, Krzysztof Klosin, Jorge
Pineiro, Mak Trifkovic, and Oliver Watson. The write up was done by
Jim, Kirsten, Krzysztof, Jorge, and Oliver.
Deligne, AWS 2002 course description: dvi, ps, pdf
Deligne, AWS 2002 project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Deninger, May 2005 Distinguished Lecture Series on Arithmetic geometry and analysis on foliated spaces: pdf
Frankenhuysen, AWS 1998 abstract of contributed talk: html
Frankenhuysen, The abc conjecture implies Roth's theorem and Mordell's conjecture: dvi, ps, pdf
Goncharov, Multiple zeta-values, Galois groups, and geometry of modular varieties: link to ArXive
Goncharov, Multiple polylogarithms and mixed Tate motives: link to ArXive
Goncharov, The dihedral Lie algebras and Galois symmetries of [a fundamental group]: link to ArXive
- Hain, AWS 2005 course description: text
- Hain, AWS 2005 course notes: pdf
Hughes Hallet, Mathematics for the Reluctant: ppt
Hughes Hallet, AWS 2002 PD component spreadsheet on medical testing and Bayes' theorem: xls
Katz, L-functions and monodromy: four lectures on Weil II.: pdf
Katz, AWS 2000 project description: html
Kedlaya, Preliminary notes on Deligne's AWS 2002 lectures: pdf
Kessel, AWS 1998 course abstract: html
Kessel, Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving: ps, pdf
Kessel, AWS 1998 references: ps, pdf
Kim, with Ribet, Torsion points on modular curves and Galois theory: dvi, ps, pdf
Kimura, Chow groups can be finite dimensional, in some sense: ps
Lakatos, notes of a lecture series by Pillay, Model theory and diophantine geometry. These notes contain a few inaccuracies and should be considered as a preliminary draft: ps, pdf
Lauter, with Schoof and Zieve, AWS 2000 course description: html
Lauter, with Zieve, AWS 2000 project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Lauter, Deligne-Lusztig curves as ray class fields: ps pdf
Lauter, A formula for constructing curves over finite fields with many rational points: ps pdf
Levy, AWS 2001 course description: html
Loeser, AWS 2003 course and project description: pdf
Loeser, AWS 2003 course notes (revised 9/03): pdf
Luca, AWS 1998 abstract of contributed talk: html
Macintyre, AWS 2003 course and project description: pdf
Macintyre, AWS 2003 course notes: pdf
Marshall, AWS 1999 talk slides: dvi, ps, pdf
Masser, AWS 1998 reading list: html
- Matsumoto, AWS 2005 course description: pdf
- Matsumoto, AWS 2005 course notes: pdf
Mazur, AWS 1998 course abstract: html
Mazur, AWS 1998 reading list: html
Mazur, Three lectures about the arithmetic of elliptic curves: dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, AWS 1999 bibliography: dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, comments on visualizing elements in the Shafarevich-Tate group,: dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, (with Cremona), Visualizing elements in the Shafarevich-Tate group, (to appear in the Journal of Experimental Math): dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, Visualizing elements of order three in the Shafarevich-Tate group, (to appear in the Journal of Asian Mathematics): dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, AWS 2001 preliminary lecture notes: dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, AWS 2001, More detailed notes by Mazur's students: dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, AWS 2001 project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur's AWS 2001 students, Notes on Kato-Siegel functions,: dvi, ps, pdf
Mazur, A repository at Harvard of documents related to Mazur's lectures and project
McCallum's AWS 1999 student group, web site on Jacobians of genus 1 curves
- Morrison, AWS 2004 course description: pdf
O'Neil, thesis: dvi, ps, pdf
- Papikian, write up of Ulmers AWS 2000 project: ps, pdf
Pillay, notes by Lakatos, Model theory and diophantine geometry. These notes contain a few inaccuracies and should be considered as a preliminary draft: ps, pdf
Pillay and Scanlon, AWS 2003 course and project description: pdf
Pillay, Notes for AWS 2003 course: pdf
Poonen, Algebraic families of nonzero elements of Shafarevich-Tate groups (with Colliot-Thélène): pdf
Poonen, Computational aspects of curves of genus at least 2: ps, pdf
Poonen, AWS 1999 project description: html
Poonen, web site
Poonen, AWS 2003 course and project description: pdf
Poonen, AWS 2003 course notes: pdf and gzipped dvi
Pop, AWS 2003 course and project description: pdf
Pop, AWS 2003 course notes: pdf
- Pop, AWS 2005 course description: pdf
- Pop, AWS 2005 course notes: pdf
Ramakrishnan, AWS 2001 course outline and project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Ribet, with Kim, Torsion points on modular curves and Galois theory: dvi, ps, pdf
Rohrlich, False division towers of elliptic curves: link to the Journal of Algebra
Rohrlich, A deformation of the Tate module: link to the Journal of Algebra
Rubin, Elliptic curves with complex multiplication: dvi, ps, pdf
Rubin, Euler systems and modular elliptic curves: dvi, ps, pdf
Rubin, General Euler systems (large: 840K dvi file, 9MB pdf file!): dvi, ps, pdf
Rubin, AWS 1999 project description: html
Rubin, web site
Sarnak, AWS 2001 course and project description: html
Sarnak, AWS 2001 references: dvi, ps, pdf
Scanlon and Pillay, AWS 2003 course and project description: pdf
Scanlon, AWS 2003 course notes: pdf
Scanlon, AWS 2003 Slides: pdf
- Schneps, AWS 2005 course description: pdf
- Schneps, AWS 2005 course notes: pdf
Schoof, with Lauter and Zieve, AWS 2000 course description: html
Schoof, Algebraic curves and coding theory: dvi, ps, pdf
Sharifi, notes of a lecture series by Carlson, An introduction to Hodge theory and its applications: dvi, ps, pdf
Stein, Some Abelian Varieties with Visible Shafarevich-Tate Groups: dvi, ps, pdf
Stein, web site
- Stillman, AWS 2006 course description: pdf
- Stillman, AWS 2006 course notes: pdf
- Stillman, AWS 2006 slides from lectures:
- Stillman, AWS 2006 Macaulay code: tar
- Sturmfels, AWS 2006 course description: pdf
- Sturmfels, AWS 2006 lecture notes: pdf by Silvia Adduci
- Sturmfels, AWS 2006 slides from lectures:
Swinnerton-Dyer, Diophantine
Equations: Progress and Problems: pdf
Swinnerton-Dyer, A new method for certain Diophantine equations: pdf
Szpiro, AWS 1998 reading list:html
Takahashi, Spreadsheet Software as a Teaching Tool for Introductory
Mathematics Courses: ppt
Takahashi, Zip archive of 7 spreadsheets and a Powerpoint file to accompany his lecture: zip (2.6MB!)
Tsuji, Explicit reciprocity law for Lubin-Tate groups: dvi, ps, pdf
Tsuji, Crystalline sheaves, syntomic cohomology, and p-adic polylogarithms: dvi, ps, pdf
Tzermias, The Manin-Mumford Conjecture: A Brief Survey: dvi, ps, pdf
Ulmer, AWS 2000 course description: html
Ulmer, AWS 2000 course outline: dvi, ps, pdf
Ulmer, AWS 2000 project description: dvi, ps, pdf
- Ulmer, AWS 2000 project, write-up by Papikian: ps, pdf
Ulmer, Elliptic curves over function fields with large rank: arXiv link
Ulmer, A simple simulation to value stock options: ppt
Ulmer, Zip archive of 3 spreadsheets on option valuation models: zip
Ulmer, A note on risk-neutral valuation: pdf
Villegas, AWS 2002 course and project description: dvi, ps, pdf
Voisin, AWS 2002 course and project description: html
Voisin, Extract from a book on Hodge theory: ps
Vojta, AWS 1998 course abstract: html
Vojta, AWS 1998 reading list: html
Vojta, A more general abc conjecture: dvi, ps, pdf
Vojta: Chapter 0 of preliminary material on number theory and algebraic geometry: dvi, ps, pdf
Voloch, AWS 1998 course abstract: html
Voloch, AWS 1998 reading list: html
Voloch, AWS 1998 lecture notes: dvi, ps, pdf
- Wan, AWS 2004 course description: pdf
- Wan, AWS 2004 course notes: pdf
Wang, A note on Wronskians and the abc theorem in function fields of prime characteristic: dvi, ps, pdf
Wang, ABC estimate, integral points, and geometry of Pn minus hyperplanes: dvi, ps, pdf
Wang, AWS 1998 abstract of contributed talk: html
Weston, The modular curves X0(11) and X1(11): ps, pdf
Weston, The Euler system of Heegner points: dvi, ps, pdf
Wetherell, AWS 1999 project description: html
Wetherell, thesis: dvi, ps, pdf
J. Yu, AWS 1998 abstract of contributed talk: html
J. Yu, On arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves: dvi, ps, pdf
K. Yu, AWS 1998 abstract of contributed talk: html
Zieve, with Lauter and Schoof, AWS 2000 course description: html
Zieve, with Lauter, AWS 2000 project description: dvi, ps, pdf